Brenda Brown nee Manfield

D of E memories – Mrs Brenda Brown (nee Manfield) aged 79

16 year only child. Father just died

Joining church youth club and making friends
1959 Pilot scheme for girls just started by Mrs Gordon Spencer

Introduction to a whole new world – crafts, outdoor activities, camping.

First long-distance train to Kilmory Castle in Scotland for the expedition

1960 Gold Award presentation at Buckingham Palace. Dorothy Wells and I first two girls to achieve award in Hampshire.

1962 Chosen to go to Israel with Mrs Gordon Spencer on a DC3, Hoed cotton fields, picked peaches. Amazing tour of Historic and religious sites, experienced kibbutz life. Attended International Youth Festival at Naurin on my 21st Birthday.

1977 Queen and Price Phillip reviewed the troops at Senelager. Thousands of soldiers, tanks, dust and army families. Prince Phillip see’s my DOE gold badge and stops to chat.

1978 Husband posted to Omagh, I help with girls at the secondary school with the award. I wonder if those girls cleanse, tone and nourish.

Life experiences I never would have had. Friends made over 60 years ago and are still friends.

Confidence given to face what lay and lies ahead.

Memories achieved by Prince Phillips vision.

Thank you

Brenda Brown nee Manfield