Corinne Mckay

I achieved all the levels of the award including the Platinum award 5 years ago! I chose to do childcare as part of the bronze award volunteering at a children's home. I was about 15 at the time. It broke my heart every time I went home so I soon realised I wouldn't be going into childcare when I left school. For the Silver award I chose the police service and wow, that was an unbelievable experience leading to me joining Kent Police as a cadet in 1975 and becoming a police officer in 1977.
I was so proud to go to Buckingham Palace to receive my Gold Award from the Duke,so proud to be wearing my uniform. The Duke of Edinburgh picked me out from the group his first words being " Have you had any good arrests recently?" We had quite a conversation and he was so interested to know that I joined the police because of the DofE award.
It shaped my life..... I would never have considered joining the police if it hadn't been for the award.
I still have all my award books, certificates and badges.
I'm not ashamed to say I shed many tears yesterday.
God bless you and thank you Sir, you were a huge influence in my life