Jobert Fermilan

My DofE experience is a journey I will never forget, it has instilled valuable life skills and path to a productive & prosperous future.

Before completing the DofE Gold Business Award, I was a naughty kid and behaved badly. I had an outlook of those who did the DofE were teachers’ pets, bright & privileged kids, in reality I became one of those stereotypes and I was completely wrong as they were people whom wanted to be a better version of themselves. I soon realised that I needed to develop, adapt and round off the edges by improving to be a better version of myself and contribute to society.

Taking the time to reflect, I had a tough time fitting in especially as a Black, Asian and minority ethnic living in the Lake District, Cumbria. I played rugby for my local school & clubs which was my release, learning and playing rugby taught me so many principles I use in my day-to-day approach and with the help of the DofE I was able to become that version I seek which was all supported by my previous employer Amey Consulting.

I completed the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Business award and met Prince Phillip in St. James Palace, London in the grandeur Throne room. He was very kind and asked us several questions. He was interested in which part of the country we reside and the profession we practiced. When he asked me and I responded with Penrith, Cumbria “he laughed gently and said, the toffee’s sold in Penrith is palatable” and I was so shocked to hear he knew about a small family run business in Penrith who sold toffee! In respond, I nervously laughed and replied “yes the toffee is delicious, if only I knew, I would have brought a tablet with me for the ceremony” both laughing and he said you must have lost my memo and to this day, I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. “In life, it’s all about the little things.” The DofE charity programme is a journey I will never forget; it has instilled valuable life skills and a path to a productive