Marion Peutherer

I did my Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards through Herts County, led by an amazing lady called Gill Rawson. She was wonderfully supportive and pushed me gently outside my comfort zone time and time again, building my confidence and shaping me into the adult I am today. I look back on my Award experiences with great fondness and happy memories, especially of meeting Prince Philip at St James' Palace.

When my children were little (from the age of 3), I dragged them out for walks in the countryside and when they complained, I said, just wait until you are doing your DofE as a teenager and you'll thank me for this early training. With the elder having just completed all three awards and the younger having done two and about to sign up to Gold, they are indeed thankful that expeditions are not a scary concept, as they are to many of their contemporaries. They too understand that stretching your boundaries is a good thing.

The Awards aren't easy: you need inner strength and determination to get to the end. I am so pleased I eventually plucked up the courage to pick up the phone and enquire about the Awards when I was a desperately shy 14 year old! I hope to retrace my expedition routes when I have the time in retirement :-)