Nitesh Patel

I had the privilege of look after HRH Prince Philip’s shoes when he visited the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir (Neasden Temple) in 1997.

Prayers that the following Shloks help generations of young people.
Satsang Diksha Granth
Shlok 209 – Young boys and girls should acquire education from childhood. They should avoid inappropriate behaviour, bad company and addictions.

Shlok 216 – In this world, the company one keeps has great influence. The type of association moulds one’s life accordingly. Therefore, one should always keep the company of virtuous people and totally shun bad company.

Shlok 135 – Intense affection for the Aksharbrahman Guru is the only means to attaining Brahmic State and realizing Bhagwan.

Shlok 301 – Through Bhagwan’s grace, may all attain good health, happiness, utmost peace and ultimate moksha.

Nitesh R. Patel (BAPS Devotee – London, UK)
Wednesday, 21st April 2021 (Shri Swaminarayan Jayanti & Shri Rama Navmi)