Sophie Topp

Having completed the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards, they have without a doubt helped develop skills and qualities which I continue to draw on today. Through undertaking the Awards I volunteered with the Scouting Association for over 4 years; developed my skills playing the Clarinet; undertook various sporting activities; and completed expeditions for each level. It engrained in me the importance of resilience, teamwork, responsibility, communication and commitment - to name but a few attributes which have been instrumental to my education and latterly my career, as well as in my personal life. For the Gold Award, I kayaked along the Devon and Dorset coastlines where we camped under the stars, went fossil hunting and saw dolphins - an experience I will never forget. The Duke himself showed a great interest in our kayaking expedition at the awards ceremony at Kensington Palace. The Duke of Edinburgh Awards are such an asset to all those who undertake them and are just one example of the lasting legacy of the Duke of Edinburgh.