Joanne Charlton

I achieved my silver award in 1999 and I have some great memories from that. As a youth worker I wanted to give the young people the opportunity to have their own memories of the award and have so much like I did. We had numerous groups doing the award and had some good fun, for example while we were lying on the ground watching a metor shower one young person asked if we were in space, one time while making a campfire we sent the young people off to look for more wood and wine they came back we had put some marshmallows on a tree next to the fire one young person thought that they actually grew on trees and they tasted better than they do in the shops. One of our gold award groups were lucky enough to receive their award in Buckingham Palace by Prince Philip. He spoke to the young people and to their parents he asked their parents if they did their award they replied that there was an opportunity for them to do the award Prince Philip replied it wasn't that there was an opportunity to do it it is the fact that yous weren't intelligent enough to do it . They all laughed and thats a memory that will stay with them forever. We have seen how much the young people have grown since doing their award, their self esteem ,confidence, independence has grown. They were very shy young people before they started their award now they are trainee doctors, nurses , teachers, youth workers and working for TV companies. By doing their award they achieved so much and found their full potential which has impacted throughout their life