Lucy Fryer

My Bronze and Gold DofE awards are some of my proudest achievements and most influential memories. The amount of times I have walked in areas that we covered in my expeditions and the training, and recalled what I learnt as a young person, with brilliant leaders (who were/are also in the Mountain Rescue team). On a holiday to Wales a couple of years ago, I deliberately spent a day going back to the start and finish points of my Gold Assessed expedition to reflect.
Particularly memorable moments include being in snow on High Street (Lake District) and realising the benefit of the emergency shelters we carried, my friend suddenly sinking up to his waist in a marsh on a hill in Wales, and walking part way up a mountain path in barefeet due to blisters (I learnt the value of properly fitting boots!). My residential to Cae Mabon with the John Muir Trust is another happy memory - a week of reflection and learning in such a peaceful environment.
When undertaking teacher training, I also became a DofE leader. I am now very proud to be the DofE Co-ordinator for my school, guiding participants through their Bronze and Gold awards each year, hearing their stories, providing support and seeing them delighted in their success. I work with incredible leaders, who have given many years voluntary service to the award because they also see the value it provides.