Liz Cooper

My lasting memory is singing Gloria Gaynor's 'I will survive' as we hiked over the North Yorkshire Moors. The Gold Expedition was the hardest thing I had ever had to do and I often reflect on the experience when I'm struggling and I remind myself my track record of getting through bad days so far is 100%.

I have a number of chronic illnesses which took a long time to diagnose. Prior to being diagnosed, I struggled to manage the conditions and moved from one doctor to another, trying different medications. I was hospitalised many times and the whole experience caused my mental health to suffer.

I have at times felt frustrated, very lonely and worried about the future.

The experience was demoralising and when I was finally diagnosed and I realised I had life-long conditions I was bewildered but through acceptance life is much better now. 

I have indeed survived and I am actually thriving!

I feel that my resilience and fortitude has been in part due to my DofE experience, and I am really pleased I have been able give Young People the same opportunity I had to participate in DofE and make their own memories through The Scouts.