17 October 2024

Young Leaders Programme

Meet our 2024-26 DofE Cymru Youth Ambassadors!  

The DofE Cymru Youth Ambassadors play a vital role in shaping, championing, and representing the DofE throughout Wales. Whether sharing their DofE journey at events, or engaging with campaigns, the group serve as role models inspiring others and demonstrating the impact of the DofE Award. With a passion and commitment to making a difference, our Youth Ambassadors are driving positive change and leaving a lasting impact on the DofE and beyond!

Dewch i gyfarfod â Llysgenhadon Ieuenctid DofE Cymru 2024-26! 

Mae gan Lysgenhadon Ieuenctid DofE Cymru rôl hollbwysig o ran siapio, hyrwyddo a chynrychioli DofE trwy Gymru. Pa un a fyddant yn rhannu eu siwrnai DofE mewn digwyddiadau neu’n cymryd rhan mewn ymgyrchoedd, mae aelodau’r gr?p yn fodelau rôl sy’n ysbrydoli eraill ac yn dangos effaith y Wobr DofE. Gydag angerdd ac ymrwymiad i wneud gwahaniaeth, mae ein Llysgenhadon Ieuenctid yn ysgogi newid cadarnhaol ac yn gadael effaith barhaol ar DofE a thu hwnt.


Abisha describes her DofE as an experience that gave her purpose and drive. Her journey through the DofE programme has fuelled her interest in robotics and software engineering, particularly after completing a cyber security course with CyberFirst for her Skills section. Abisha is committed to encouraging peers to discover their potential, through the diverse opportunities provided by the DofE. Being a DofE Young Leader has also given Abisha an opportunity to support other students through their own DofE journey. Inspired by the previous Youth Ambassadors, Abisha was motivated to seek more leadership opportunities and now hopes to use her role to encourage other young people to do the same. 

Mae Abisha yn disgrifio’i siwrnai DofE fel profiad a roddodd bwrpas a chymhelliant iddi. Llwyddodd ei siwrnai trwy’r rhaglen DofE i danio’i diddordeb mewn roboteg a pheirianneg meddalwedd, yn enwedig ar ôl iddi gwblhau cwrs seiberddiogelwch gyda CyberFirst ar gyfer ei hadran Sgiliau. Mae Abisha wedi ymrwymo i annog ei chyfoedion i ddarganfod eu potensial trwy gyfrwng y cyfleoedd amrywiol a gaiff eu darparu gan DofE. Mae bod yn Arweinydd Ifanc DofE wedi rhoi cyfle i Abisha gynorthwyo myfyrwyr eraill trwy eu siwrnai DofE nhw. Ar ôl cael ei hysbrydoli gan Lysgenhadon Ieuenctid blaenorol, cafodd Abisha ei sbarduno i chwilio am gyfleoedd arwain, ac yn awr mae’n gobeithio defnyddio’i rôl i annog pobl ifanc eraill i wneud yr un peth. 


Inspired by his older brother’s positive experience with DofE, Alex also signed up and has since completed his Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Through the programme, he gained practical skills, boosted his confidence and developed a sense of independence. Alex, who is passionate about farming and agriculture, particularly enjoyed the Skills section, where he expanded his knowledge at a local dairy farm. As a Youth Ambassador, Alex hopes to inspire other students with additional needs to start the DofE and build new skills, while also raising awareness about the importance of mental health support. 

Ar ôl cael ei ysbrydoli gan y profiad cadarnhaol a gafodd ei frawd h?n gyda DofE, penderfynodd Alex ymuno â’r rhaglen, ac ers hynny mae wedi cwblhau ei Wobrau Efydd, Arian ac Aur. Trwy gyfrwng y rhaglen, enillodd sgiliau ymarferol, rhoddwyd hwb i’w hyder a datblygodd ymdeimlad o annibyniaeth. Cafodd Alex, sy’n danbaid dros ffermio ac amaethyddiaeth, flas mawr ar yr adran Sgiliau, lle cafodd gyfle i ymestyn ei wybodaeth mewn fferm laeth leol. Fel Llysgennad Ieuenctid, mae Alex yn gobeithio ysbrydoli myfyrwyr eraill ag anghenion ychwanegol i ddechrau eu siwrnai DofE a meithrin sgiliau newydd, gan fynd ati ar yr un pryd i godi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd cymorth iechyd meddwl. 


Celyn describes the DofE programme as life-changing, helping her overcome challenges posed by autism and pushing her out of her comfort zone. Encouraged by her teacher, Celyn embraced new experiences like camping and volunteering, where she developed independence and leadership skills. Passionate about the environment, community and inclusion, she supports causes like the RSPCA and hopes to inspire other young people, especially those with additional needs, to take part in the DofE. Celyn is eager to share her story and encourage others to gain the confidence and skills that have helped her grow. 

Yn ôl Celyn, mae’r rhaglen DofE wedi trawsnewid ei bywyd, gan ei helpu i oresgyn heriau awtistiaeth a’i hannog i fentro y tu hwnt i’w chwmpas cyfforddus. Gydag anogaeth ei hathro, llwyddodd Celyn i wneud yn fawr o brofiadau newydd fel gwersylla a gwirfoddoli, lle datblygodd annibyniaeth a sgiliau arwain. A hithau’n danbaid dros yr amgylchedd, y gymuned a chynhwysiant, mae hi’n cefnogi achosion fel yr RSPCA, a’i gobaith yw ysbrydoli pobl ifanc eraill, yn enwedig rhai ag anghenion ychwanegol, i gymryd rhan yn DofE. Mae Celyn yn awyddus i rannu ei stori ac annog eraill i feithrin yr hyder a’r sgiliau sydd wedi ei helpu hi i brifio. 


Cody has completed all levels of the DofE programme through Air Cadets and now helps other young people achieve their DofE Awards at his cadet unit by organising expeditions and gear. As Cody progressed through the DofE, he discovered a passion for navigation, camp craft, teamwork and assisting others. Cody is now working towards his Lowland Leader qualifications as he aims to give back to the Air Cadet Organisation and the DofE scheme. Cody says, taking part in the DofE Award has been the most fulfilling achievement of his life so far. Through becoming a DofE Cymru Youth Ambassador, Cody hopes to apply his public speaking skills he has gained, to help promote the benefits of the DofE programme to more young people throughout Wales.  

Mae Cody wedi cwblhau holl lefelau’r rhaglen DofE trwy’r Cadetiaid Awyr ac yn awr mae’n helpu pobl ifanc eraill i gyflawni eu Gwobrau DofE yn ei uned i gadetiaid, trwy drefnu allteithiau ac offer. Wrth i Cody gamu yn ei flaen trwy’r rhaglen DofE, darganfu fod ganddo ddiddordeb ysol mewn mordwyo, crefft gwersylla, gwaith tîm a chynorthwyo eraill. Erbyn hyn, mae Cody yn gweithio tuag at ei gymhwyster Arweinydd Iseldir wrth iddo anelu at dalu’n ôl i’r Sefydliad Cadetiaid Awyr a chynllun DofE. Yn ôl Cody, cymryd rhan yn y Wobr DofE yw profiad mwyaf gwerth chweil ei fywyd hyd yn hyn. Trwy ddod yn Llysgennad Ieuenctid DofE Cymru, mae Cody yn gobeithio defnyddio’i sgiliau siarad cyhoeddus i helpu i hyrwyddo manteision y rhaglen DofE ymhlith rhagor o bobl ifanc ledled Cymru. 


Having started her DofE in sixth form and going straight into her Gold, Ellie wishes she had the opportunity to start her DofE journey earlier. Ellie wants to use her position as a DofE Cymru Youth Ambassador to make more young people aware of the opportunities DofE offers and how easy it is to fit into your life. Ellie believes that DofE has helped her become who she is today. Ellie is interested in the environment and was part of a recycling scheme at her school for her volunteering section. This really pushed her to continue her studies to a degree level as she’s currently studying Physical Geography. 

Ar ôl dechrau ei siwrnai DofE pan oedd yn y chweched dosbarth a mynd yn syth am y Wobr Aur, dywed Ellie ei bod yn drueni na chafodd gyfle i ddechrau’r siwrnai honno ynghynt. Mae Ellie eisiau defnyddio’i rôl fel Llysgennad Ieuenctid DofE Cymru i sicrhau bod rhagor o bobl ifanc yn ymwybodol o’r cyfleoedd a gynigir gan DofE, a pha mor hawdd yw mynd i’r afael â’r rhaglen law yn llaw â bywyd beunyddiol. Ym marn Ellie, mae DofE wedi ei helpu i ddatblygu fel unigolyn. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb yn yr amgylchedd a chymerodd ran mewn cynllun ailgylchu yn ei hysgol ar gyfer ei hadran wirfoddoli. Llwyddodd hyn i’w hysgogi i barhau â’i hastudiaethau hyd at lefel gradd, oherwydd ar hyn o bryd mae’n astudio Daearyddiaeth Ffisegol. 


Gwennan’s favourite part of her DofE experience was the volunteering at a social club for the elderly, which she continues to do. An avid rock climber, Gwennan also enjoyed the challenge of her outdoor residential. The DofE programme has significantly boosted her confidence and maturity, helping her overcome personal challenges and inspiring her to encourage her peers. Gwennan aims to share her passion for DofE with the wider community, hoping to inspire others to participate and benefit from the programme as much as she has. 

Hoff ran Gwennan o’i phrofiad DofE oedd gwirfoddoli mewn clwb cymdeithasol ar gyfer yr henoed – rhywbeth y mae’n parhau i’w wneud hyd heddiw. A hithau wrth ei bodd yn dringo creigiau, cafodd Gwennan flas mawr ar ei hadran awyr agored. Mae’r rhaglen DofE wedi rhoi hwb mawr i’w hyder a’i haeddfedrwydd, gan ei helpu i oresgyn heriau personol a’i hysbrydoli i annog ei chyfoedion. Nod Gwennan yw rhannu ei hangerdd dros DofE gyda’r gymuned ehangach, a’i gobaith yw ysbrydoli eraill i gymryd rhan yn y rhaglen ac elwa arni i’r un graddau â hi.


The DofE programme helped Joshua come out of his shell by encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Joshua valued the unique opportunity the Expedition section provides, enabling young people to be out in the countryside and experience camping. Joshua also highlights how the DofE was a good escape around his exams, taking his mind off the stress and allowing to him to return to his revision feeling refreshed and more focused.  

Mae’r rhaglen DofE wedi helpu Joshua i ddod o’i gragen trwy ei annog i gamu y tu hwnt i’w gwmpas cyfforddus a gwneud yn fawr o brofiadau newydd. Mae Joshua yn gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle unigryw a gynigir gan yr adran Allteithiau, sy’n galluogi pobl ifanc i fentro allan i gefn gwlad a gwersylla. Hefyd, mae Joshua yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod DofE wedi bod yn ddihangfa braf iddo pan oedd yn sefyll ei arholiadau, gan ei helpu i anghofio am y straen a’i alluogi i ddychwelyd at ei waith adolygu gyda ffocws ac egni newydd. 


Nanw began her DofE journey in Year 9 after being inspired by a presentation from her local youth worker. Nanw enjoys horse riding and used the Physical section of the programme to challenge herself and improve her skills. A lover of animals, Nanw aspires to become a vet in the future. Passionate about education and Welsh culture, she hopes to encourage other young people to take advantage of the opportunities that the DofE programme offers. 

Dechreuodd Nanw ei siwrnai DofE pan oedd ym Mlwyddyn 9, ar ôl iddi gael ei hysbrydoli gan gyflwyniad a roddwyd gan ei gweithiwr ieuenctid lleol. Mae Nanw yn mwynhau marchogaeth, a defnyddiodd adran Gorfforol y rhaglen i’w herio’i hun ac i wella’i sgiliau. A hithau’n gwirioni ar anifeiliaid, uchelgais Nanw yw bod yn filfeddyg yn y dyfodol. A chan ei bod hefyd yn danbaid dros addysg a diwylliant Cymru, mae’n gobeithio annog pobl ifanc eraill i elwa i’r eithaf ar gyfleoedd y rhaglen DofE. 


Shannon wanted to do the DofE to enhance her university application and showcase her dedication. Through completing her Bronze and Silver Awards, Shannon has significantly improved her social skills and confidence, especially through volunteering and organising events including a well-being festival in collaboration with multiple charities across Gwynedd. As a Youth Ambassador, she aims to make the DofE accessible and enjoyable for everyone, inspiring others to participate and create lasting memories. 

Roedd Shannon yn dymuno cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen DofE er mwyn gwella’i chais ar gyfer y brifysgol ac arddangos ei hymroddiad. Trwy gwblhau ei Gwobrau Efydd ac Arian, mae Shannon wedi gwella’i sgiliau cymdeithasol a’i hyder yn fawr, yn enwedig trwy wirfoddoli a threfnu digwyddiadau, yn cynnwys g?yl lesiant ar y cyd â sawl elusen ledled Gwynedd. Fel Llysgennad Ieuenctid, ei nod yw sicrhau bod DofE yn hygyrch ac yn bleserus i bawb, gan ysbrydoli eraill i gymryd rhan yn y rhaglen a chreu atgofion parhaol. 


For Steven’s Volunteering, he helped at his local Park Run and enjoys being the tail walker, chatting and encouraging everyone around the course. The DofE has allowed Steven to be more independent, trying new activities, especially camping. Steven now supports his peers at school with the DofE, explaining how to use the camping equipment safely. Steven is passionate about ensuring everyone has the chance to try the DofE, particularly those in additional needs settings 

Ar gyfer ei adran Wirfoddoli, cynigiodd Steven help llaw yn ei ddigwyddiad ‘Ras Parc’ lleol. Mae’n mwynhau bod yn gerddwr ôl, yn ogystal â sgwrsio â phobl ac annog pawb i fynd o amgylch y cwrs. Mae DofE wedi galluogi Steven i fod yn fwy annibynnol a rhoi cynnig ar weithgareddau newydd, yn enwedig gwersylla. Erbyn hyn, mae Steven yn cynorthwyoi gyfoedion yn yr ysgol gyda DofE, gan esbonio sut i ddefnyddio’r offer gwersylla’n ddiogel. Mae Steven yn danbaid dros sicrhau bod pawb yn cael cyfle i roi cynnig ar DofE, yn enwedig rhai mewn lleoliadau anghenion ychwanegol. 


Tabitha has completed her Bronze and Silver DofE Awards and is currently working towards her Gold. Tabitha has been an active member of the Air Cadets for about three years. Initially worried about the skills and physical sections, she ended up finding these the most rewarding. For Tabitha, DofE is not merely a programme but a transformative opportunity to push through obstacles and build resilience. Tabitha is dedicated to carrying forward this mindset, both through the programme and beyond. 

Mae Tabitha wedi cwblhau ei Gwobrau DofE Efydd ac Arian, ac ar hyn o bryd mae’n gweithio tuag at ei Gwobr Aur. Bu Tabitha yn aelod gweithgar o’r Cadetiaid Awyr am oddeutu tair blynedd. Ar y cychwyn, roedd hi braidd yn bryderus am yr adran Sgiliau a’r adran Gorfforol; ond yn y pen draw, yr adrannau hynny a fu’n fwyaf boddhaus iddi. I Tabitha, nid rhaglen yn unig yw DofE, ond cyfle trawsnewidiol i oresgyn rhwystrau a meithrin gwytnwch. Mae Tabitha wedi ymrwymo i fwrw ymlaen â’r meddylfryd hwn, trwy’r rhaglen a thu hwnt. 


Tammi has completed her Silver and Gold DofE Awards through Girlguiding. Despite initial concerns about the expedition due to her scoliosis, Tammi received excellent support from her leader, ensuring a positive experience. Tammi is passionate about advocating for the inclusion of young people with physical or learning disabilities, aiming to ensure they have the same opportunities as their peers. Her involvement in the DofE programme has significantly boosted her confidence and skills, including gaining valuable experience working in a theatre. Through her role as a Youth Ambassador, Tammi hopes to inspire and support others in overcoming challenges and embracing new opportunities. 

Cwblhaodd Tammi ei Gwobrau DofE Arian ac Aur trwy fynd i’r afael â gweithgareddau gyda’r Geidiaid. Er gwaethaf ei phryderon cychwynnol yngl?n â’r alltaith, a hithau’n dioddef o sgoliosis, cafodd Tammi gymorth gwych gan ei harweinydd, gan sicrhau ei bod wedi cael profiad cadarnhaol. Mae Tammi yn danbaid dros gynnwys pobl ifanc ag anableddau corfforol neu anableddau dysgu, a’i nod yw sicrhau y cânt yr un cyfleoedd â’u cyfoedion. Mae cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen DofE wedi rhoi hwb mawr i’w hyder a’i sgiliau, yn cynnwys ennill profiad gwerthfawr yn gweithio mewn theatr. Trwy gyfrwng ei rôl fel Llysgennad Ieuenctid, mae Tammi yn gobeithio ysbrydoli a chynorthwyo eraill i oresgyn heriau a manteisio i’r eithaf ar gyfleoedd newydd. 


Tegwen has achieved her Bronze DofE Award and is currently working towards her Silver. As a Welsh speaker, she is dedicated to promoting the DofE programme among Welsh-speaking communities. The DofE has pushed Tegwen to develop her leadership and listening skills and she is passionate about civil engineering and creating opportunities for young girls in STEM fields. Tegwen emphasises that the DofE is more than just a physical challenge, aiming to inspire others not to be deterred by the idea of long hikes and heavy bags. 

Mae Tegwen wedi ennill ei Gwobr DofE Efydd ac ar hyn o bryd mae’n gweithio tuag at ei Gwobr Arian. Fel siaradwr Cymraeg, mae wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo’r rhaglen DofE ymhlith cymunedau Cymraeg. Mae’r rhaglen DofE wedi annog Tegwen i ddatblygu ei sgiliau arwain a gwrando ac mae’n danbaid dros beirianneg sifil a chreu cyfleoedd i ferched ifanc mewn meysydd STEM. Dymuna Tegwen bwysleisio bod DofE yn fwy na her gorfforol yn unig, ac mae’n anelu at ysbrydoli eraill i ymuno â’r rhaglen er gwaethaf yr heiciau maith a’r bagiau trwm. 


Having been directed to this opportunity by a previous Youth Ambassador, Whitney saw it as a great opportunity gain confidence and try something new. The DofE has helped Whitney become more solution-oriented and develop valuable life skills that she plans to use in her future endeavours and career. Now, as a Youth Ambassador herself, she is eager to use her role to address important issues surrounding mental health. Whitney is passionate about encouraging young people to speak openly about their mental health. 

Ar ôl i un o Lysgenhadon Ieuenctid y gorffennol dywys Whitney at y cyfle hwn, sylweddolodd ei fod yn gyfle gwych i fagu hyder a rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd. Mae DofE wedi helpu Whitney i ganolbwyntio mwy ar ganfod atebion a meithrin sgiliau bywyd gwerthfawr y mae’n bwriadu eu defnyddio yn ei bywyd a’i gyrfa yn y dyfodol. A hithau bellach yn Llysgennad Ieuenctid, mae’n awyddus i ddefnyddio’i rôl i fynd i’r afael â materion pwysig yn ymwneud ag iechyd meddwl. Mae Whitney yn danbaid dros annog pobl ifanc i siarad yn agored am eu hiechyd meddwl. 


Applications are currently closed for the DofE Cymru Youth Ambassador Programme, but we expect to begin the next recruitment in early 2026. If you would like to be notified when applications reopen, please leave your details in the form here https://forms.office.com/e/pLhBSdhysU  

Ni ellir anfon ceisiadau ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer Rhaglen Llysgenhadon Ieuenctid DofE Cymru, ond y disgwyl yw y bydd y rownd recriwtio nesaf yn dechrau yn gynnar yn 2026. Os hoffech gael gwybod pryd yn union fydd y ceisiadau’n ailagor, nodwch eich manylion ar y ffurflen – https://forms.office.com/e/pLhBSdhysU

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