Blog 30 March 2020

The good news-round – 30 March

The world is an uncertain place right now and can seem overwhelming at times.

Which is why, over the coming weeks, we will be sharing our favourite positive stories – from both the DofE and around the world – that made us smile this week.

1. Young people used their skills for good

Although we’re all social distancing and self-isolating, young people are still doing their Skills section, just with a slight difference. Like Izzy, from Mayfield School who used her DIY skills to build a birdbox for the local wildlife.

Bird house in a tree

Submitted by Izzy, Mayfield School

2. Virtual PE classes are keeping us fit

P.E with Joe (Wicks) is becoming a roaring success. Across the country, we’re all joining Joe for our daily exercise routine from our homes and gardens.

3. #InternationalDayOfHappiness made lots of people smile

Last Friday was International Day of Happiness, so naturally we asked people to let us know what is making them smile today. We received lots of responses including pictures of nature, young people doing their DofE activities at home – and lots of pets!


Submitted by Sarah Flurry


Submitted by Bishops’ High School Bronze DofE

4. Americans had a dino parade

A Wisconsin neighbourhood took to the streets in inflatable T-Rex costumes for a dinosaur parade – maintaining the 6ft social distancing recommendation – to boost morale in their community for those self-isolating.

5. Care home residents played life-size Hungry Hungry Hippos

The residents and carers at a care home in Wales came up with a novel way to beat the blues by battling it out in a life-size version of the popular children’s board game. Residents gripped upside-down baskets attached to sticks to catch as many balls as possible while carers pushed them forwards in wheelchairs.

6. Mystery benefactor buys entire village Friday night fish and chips for 12 weeks

A silent donor has bought every resident in Denchworth, Oxfordshire, fish and chips from a local pub for the next 12 weeks (as a minimum!) to boost their mood during the outbreak.

7. A man sent his virtual date £15 to buy wine so they could still have their second date

A couple left disappointed when social distancing measures were enforced before their second date improvised – by hosting their date online. The man even transferred his date £15 for a bottle of wine, and they both bought and drank the same beverage to set the atmosphere.

8. More than 500,000 people signed up to the NHS ‘army’

More than half a million people answered the NHS’ plea for 250,000 volunteers within hours – so much so that the national treasure has boosted its appeal to 750,000 volunteers. Nearly 12,000 recently retired nurses and doctors also joined the frontline against coronavirus.

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