Opportunity Finder

Lisa Kent Trust – Make a Difference – Residential in Gambia – A Third World Country – running November 2024 to April 2025

Then why not join us in The Gambia and experience life in a third world country.
You will live and work in a local community and see how basic daily life is.
Time will be spent in school helping and assisting the teachers and being involved in lessons. There are opportunities for sport, drama art etc.
There may be opportunities for painting classrooms, sports tournaments, library work but importantly working as a team to make a difference.
You will receive a huge welcome from the smiling coast.

Please note we do not have any Residentials during the summer holidays.  School terms in The Gambia are very similar to the UK, therefore we need school to be open.

Most of our Residentials run November through to April.

Course date:
November 2024
Course location:
The Gambia
Course fee:

Opportunity Finder

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