
Case Study: Luca’s Story

Luca has recently completed the volunteering section for his DofE Bronze Award through Beatlie School in West Lothian, a specialist school supporting pupils with additional needs.


He took part in a car wash initiative to help raise money for MUSAC, a local charity who provide music and dance activities for young people and adults with a range of additional needs. The activity was highly motivating for Luca, as it involved some of his favourite things, interaction with staff and peers, as well as lots of mess in the form of soap bubbles and a hose of water!


He was supported by the school staff team in shopping for materials and adapting tools to enable him to wash the cars, and his classmates encouraged him to stay focused.

Some words from the team supporting him:

“It was difficult for Luca to reach the car with just a sponge so we made up a long reaching handled version for him and this allowed Luca to reach the roof, the bonnet and the windows.

As the weeks went on, Luca started to remember and enjoy the process and especially enjoyed the foam wash part. It was fun when the wind caught it and it went all over us! He would have a friend join him on occasion and this helped keep his concentration on the job.

Luca was a great help getting the hose out and putting it away again – using his grip he held onto a scarf that was then tied onto the trolley – he was then able to pull the trolley to the storage area.

A great job well-done Luca”.


Luca’s family said:


“We have loved seeing the enjoyment on Luca’s face in all the photos of him car washing. It is clear he has really enjoyed it. A real highlight was his Auntie Steph taking her car into school for Luca to wash – he thought that was brilliant”.


Beatlie School is one of the recipients of our Resilience fund, which aims to break down barriers and enable all young people to benefit from taking part in their DofE Award.


Find out more here: https://www.dofe.org/resiliencefund/



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