Wales events / Digwyddiadau Cymru
Forthcoming Events / Digwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill:
Bursary Opportunities
Tall Ships Youth Trust Residential Bursaries
Thanks to the support of Worshipful Livery Company of Wales we have one bursary of £275.00 for young people from across Wales to get financial help to undertake a Tall Ships Gold residential.
Please follow this link to complete the application form.
EKF Residential Bursary
EFK Diagnostics from the Vale of Glamorgan have very kindly donated funds to help marginalised young people with aspirations to go onto Higher Education. They wish to support young people’s residential section to helping them achieve their overall Gold Award whilst enhancing their University application and journey.
There are limited funds available so please make your application ASAP
Please follow this link to complete the application form.