20 November 2023

Learn Welsh with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) and the National Centre for Learning Welsh have launched a new partnership to offer opportunities for young people to develop Welsh language skills and knowledge for the skills section of their DofE Award.

The Centre has developed the new resource especially for DofE participants, and it’s available free of charge for those aged 16-25 years old. The resource includes 13 units that combine online self-study with practical tasks, introducing introduce words, phrases and language patterns, and following themes such as Welsh music and culture.

DofE Cymru Youth Ambassador Dylan was one of the first to try out the new resources, and he said: “It’s great to have this new resource available as a skill option for DofE participants. I found the modules relatable and engaging, and I liked that the course is structured into one hour weekly modules for counting towards your DofE skill. This is a brilliant chance to learn and practice some Welsh and develop a skill that will be useful in the future.”

Stephanie Price, DofE Wales Director added, “We are delighted to be able to offer this new free skill section resource to DofE participants who want to learn more about Wales and the Welsh language.

“The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is dedicated to helping young people develop the skills and confidence needed to thrive in their futures, and this resource is a fantastic addition to the opportunities available to DofE participants.”

How to access the resource

Click here to register for the resource and to start learning Welsh for your DofE skill section.

Opportunity Finder

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