Opportunity Finder

Kissing it Better- Volunteer to decrease the isolation of old age – start anytime

KiB offer a range volunteering opportunities to create meaningful intergenerational connects.
-Supervised zooms into care homes, hospitals or the homes of people living on their own.
-Training in a variety of different activities that you can use towards your volunteering hours.
-Masterclasses, with guest speakers, for those interest in a career in healthcare and other careers linked to communication.
-Direct connections to care homes, where you can make and create items that will be sent to the residents or volunteer in person.
…and so much more!
All our virtual volunteering sessions are designed to broaden your understanding of the many challenges of old age. We hope this will help you support and connect with older people in your community. And we know it will benefit you, especially if you’re keen to pursue a career in healthcare.

Course date:
Start any time
Course fee:

Opportunity Finder

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