Northern Ireland Training

Find out about local DofE training opportunities in Northern Ireland

Award Manager Information Session

This workshop is suitable for new Managers or Assistant Managers and existing Managers looking to improve their knowledge. The workshop covers key areas for running the programme within a Licensed Organisation (LO) such as, what is needed to manage delivery of the Award, the Joint Award Initiative, administration, eDofE, training, promoting the Award and ongoing support available from the Regional Office.

  15 October 2024: 13.00 – 16.30

  Stranmillis University College, Belfast

  Book here

DofE Expedition Skills

This course gives Expedition Leaders and support staff the basic theoretical and practical skills needed to support DofE/JAI expeditions (expeditions on foot, in normal, rural and open countryside – e.g. normal Bronze terrain). The training is run over two days with a classroom-based training module as well.

Much of the training is outdoors and practical, so a basic level of fitness and mobility is required.

The minimum age for attending this course is 18 years.

  23 September and 28-29 September 2024 or 21 October and 12-13 October 2024

  Stranmillis University, Belfast (Workshop)

Newcastle, Co Down (Practical)


The value of this training is £150 and we are delighted that we can provide funding worth £120 per NI delegate (paid directly to the training provider), therefore we can offer this training for a heavily subsidised price.

  Book here- September Dates or October Dates

The Education Authority will recognise this course as the practical training element for Bronze Expedition Supervisors, in non-wild country, within the EA DofE/JAI programmes. This is on the understanding that DES course delegates must engage in the additional training sessions around EA policies; procedures and expedition paperwork and guidance facilitated by the EA DofE/JAI staff team. For information regarding the next course delegates should contact Vicky Mowbray by email at [email protected]. EA delegates will also be expected to have a first-aid qualification before supervising expeditions.

R.E.C Outdoor First Aid Training

This course is aimed at persons responsible for providing first aid treatment within any setting, it is particularly suitable for those working in outdoor activities, outdoor related jobs or in remote locations. No previous first aid experience is required; however, the ability and willingness to participate fully is required. Please note this is a practical skills training course and candidates will be taught first aid skills using a ‘hands on approach’ with another person.

  28-29 September 2024 or 12-13 October 2024

  Newcastle, Co Down


The value of this training is £150 and we are delighted that we can provide funding worth £120 per NI delegate (paid directly to the training provider), therefore we can offer this training for a heavily subsidised price.

  Book here


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