Accessing the DofE learning platform
The DofE has a number of learning pathways to support you in your DofE role, hosted on a learning platform. The three learning pathways are:
1. Foundations Pathway (for all those new to DofE)
2. Delivering the DofE Pathway (for Managers/Leaders and those supporting DofE programmes)
3. Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Pathway (for those who will be assessing or supervising DofE expeditions)
The ‘Foundations’, ‘Delivering the DofE’ and ‘EAS’ pathway are for adults, and must only be booked by those over the age of 18.
The Learning offered by the DofE is only appropriate for those delivering the DofE with a Licensed Organisation or AAP based in the UK. If you are delivering the International Award overseas please contact the international Award for information about relevant training courses.
For both the Delivering the DofE pathway and the Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Pathway, you will need to complete the Foundations Pathway first. If you want to book the Delivering the DofE pathway, or the Expedition Assessor and Supervisor pathway, please also book for the Foundations Pathway if you haven’t already completed this.
Book onto the pathways by clicking the boxes below and our team will approve your application within two working days. You will receive an email from [email protected] saying that you have been approved for the pathways, then look out for your invite email from “[email protected]” with a subject of “Welcome to the DofE Learning Platform” which you should receive within two working days. If you receive the approval email but don’t receive the invitation to the platform please check your spam or junk box and then check that your firewall is not blocking the email. If you still haven’t received it, please email [email protected].
If you have completed a previous pathway, then when you receive your email from the DofE saying that you have been approved to attend the pathway you will be able to log into the learning platform and find your new learning there for you in your ‘must do’ section. Read more about our learning platform here. Please don’t book again for a pathway if you haven’t received your email, contact us on [email protected] and we will investigate this for you.
If you have already applied for, or been approved to undertake a learning pathway, please do not book it again. If you haven’t received your link to access the learning, or can’t access the learning platform please contact [email protected] to resolve your issues.