What is the Young Leaders Programme?

A DofE Young Leader is a DofE participant who takes on additional responsibility to support the DofE at their centre alongside adult Leaders, and who are trained by the DofE to fulfil their role. They provide peer to peer support and help other young people to access and achieve their DofE programme from a relatable standpoint.

The Young Leaders Programme aims to put young people at the heart of what Licensed Organisations do, in line with our Youth Without Limits strategy, developing participants’ leadership skills and contributing to their personal development. It’s an asset to a young person’s CV and can count towards their Volunteering section – though it doesn’t have to.

The DofE provides training to help Young Leaders make the most of their role and individual centres work with young leaders to decide on suitable responsibilities and commitment. There is no cost to you or the Young Leaders.

Your young people will need to complete the Young Leader Welcome module and attend an online group Action Planning Session with DofE staff and other Young Leaders They will agree with you what activities they’re going to help with and complete a minimum of two additional modules of their choice to support their role. At the end of their six to twelve months as a Young Leader, your young people will attend an Exit session to achieve their Young Leader Certificate.

How to get involved

We have further information, including what Young Leaders can do, plus all the tools you need to nominate and support young people on their journey below.

Young Leaders Resources

How to get involved

Click the image below to download the Overview and Booking document.

Speak to your Operations Officer or contact [email protected] if you have any further questions.

DofE Manager, Jemma's story:

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Opportunity Finder

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