Run DofE Business
What is DofE Business?
DofE Business was developed to bring the benefits of achieving a DofE Award to the workplace. Businesses offer the Gold DofE programme to their young staff to complement work-based training, integrating the DofE alongside early careers programmes.
DofE Business is currently delivered by major organisations including Amey, Balfour Beatty and London Stansted Airport. We work closely with businesses to integrate the DofE, ensuring it aligns with their business strategy and drives measurable improvements in performance.
What benefits does it bring?
DofE Business is uniquely positioned to support young people to prepare for and navigate what can be a challenging transition from education to work, as well as supporting employers to develop high-calibre, work-ready employees.
Our latest Impact Report shows young people who take part in the DofE experience positive impacts on their wellbeing, skills development, community ties and physical activity. Using best practice methodology set out in the 2021 HM Treasury Green Book, we’ve calculated that life satisfaction improvements experienced by DofE participants have an estimated average social value of £4,400 per person per year.
By offering DofE Business, your employees can:
- Develop emotional and social skills like confidence, resilience and communication by stepping outside their comfort zone.
- Build essential skills like teamworking and leadership, so they can thrive in your organisation.
- Get the chance to shine, helping you identify future leaders.
Running DofE Business enables your organisation to:
- Show how much you value your early career employees, helping you to attract and retain new talent.
- Create opportunities for co-working across your company, increasing young people’s understanding of your organisation and their future career opportunities.
- Enable you to build a sustainable early careers model where Award holders become DofE champions, supporting future participants.
We’re celebrating 10 years of partnering with Balfour Beatty – learn more below.
How does DofE Business work?
DofE Business provides the opportunity for your early career employees (under the age of 25) to achieve their Gold Award. The programme comprises five sections:
- Residential – this could be linked to your corporate induction, fostering a positive culture and encouraging staff cohesion
- Volunteering – this can support your corporate volunteering goals
- Physical – this can support young people’s wellbeing in the workplace
- Skills – this can help young people develop skills valued by your organisation
- Expedition – this challenge can help young people build resilience and teamworking skills.
Your organisation will have the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of your Gold Award holders at one of our Gold Award celebration events, including those held at Buckingham Palace.
By offering DofE Business to your young employees, you can develop the essential skills your organisation needs, encourage personal growth, support staff wellbeing and attract and retain talent.
If you would like to find out more, please contact [email protected].