What comes after DofE

If you’re a Bronze or Silver Award holder why not take on your next DofE challenge and progress a level? Speak to your Leader about what’s available at your centre. Or, if you’re over 18, you could do your Gold through DofE Direct.

If you’ve achieved your Gold, you don’t have to lose DofE from your life… take part in fundraising events to raise money for our charity or consider volunteering as a Leader, to support young people just like you, through their DofE.

Whatever your level of achievement, make sure you include your Award on your CV and in university and job applications. Employers are crying out for the skills you’ve gained through your DofE, including resilience, confidence, team working, communication and drive.

Your Future Path

Welcome to our careers hub for participants and Award holders. We’re here to help you apply the variety of skills and experience you’ve gained from doing your DofE that will make you stand out to employers, colleges and universities and that you’ll be able to use in the workplace.

Your Future Path
Share your story

Here’s your chance to inspire other young people. We’re always on the lookout for poignant and motivating DofE stories to share on our website and social media, and as DofE alumni we’d love to know what you’re doing now and how the DofE helped you get there.

Get in touch

You’ve had a great time doing your DofE and gained a huge amount. But this doesn’t have to be the end of your involvement with the charity. Here are some compelling reasons to volunteer with DofE centres and groups, and help other young people achieve their Award:

– You can keep your DofE journey going as an adult volunteer – the fun doesn’t have to stop.

– You’ve spent years learning some excellent skills. Keep those skills active.

– Pass on what you know to young people doing their DofE now – it’s your chance to give back.

– DofE voluntary roles are highly skilled and respected. Employers will value your additional efforts.

– If you’re considering doing an Outdoor Leadership qualification (e.g. the BEL, or ML), continuing to gain experience of expeditions with the DofE will be invaluable.

– If you’re thinking of going into teaching, youth work or coaching, a DofE leadership role is very useful experience to have.

There are all kinds of ways to stay involved with the DofE – you could become an Expedition Assessor, an Award Verifier, a Leader and so much more. Take a look at the full list of adult volunteering opportunities available with DofE centres and groups.

Volunteer roles

Opportunity Finder

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