Changing groups
You’ve started your DofE programme, but what if your family moves halfway across the UK? Or you’re leaving home to go to uni in a new town? Or you’re having problems in your current group?
Don’t worry, you’ve paid for your Participation Place so you’re a DofE participant until your 25th birthday. That means that there’s loads of time to complete your programme and achieve that all-important Award.
Your eDofE account remains valid so you can continue to upload evidence and information.
If you’re moving to a new school or college or joining a new youth group that offers the DofE, simply get in touch with the DofE Leader there and they’ll move your eDofE account to your new group. Everything you’ve done so far will be valid – you don’t have to do anything again! They’ll be able to help you get started on the sections you still have to complete to achieve your DofE.
If there isn’t a new group where you’re going or if you’re going overseas, you can also ask your current Leader if they’ll continue to check and approve your DofE activities using eDofE.
Anyone 18+ doing their Gold can transfer to do their DofE with DofE Direct. If you are over 16, have completed a previous Award level and want to finish your Gold Award, but have no location options available please get in contact with us here.